Physical Property Measurement System
Model: PPMS-9T
Manufacturer: Quantum Design Company, USA
Technical Specifications:
Features and Applications:
It includes automatic measuring software,standard measuring function and hardware, which allow to measure temperature-dependent and magnetic-field-dependent resistivity,differential resistance, magnetoresistance, volt-ampere characteristics and hysteresis loops.
Manufacturer: Quantum Design Company, USA
Technical Specifications:
- Temperature: 1.9-400 K
- Magnetic field: 9T
- VSM system:Sensitivity <10-6 emu/Tesla;Maximum measurable magnetic moment (emu):40/vibration peak value;Detection coil inner diameter: 6.3 mm
- AC Transport Options: Voltage Sensitivity: 1nV;Current Range: 10µA-2A;Frequency Range: 1Hz-1kHz
- DC Transport Options:Current range:5nA-5mA;Maximum measuring resistance: 4MΩ
- Advanced Electrical Transport Options: Voltage output range:4.5 V (double gain);Current range: 10 nA-100 mA;Resistance measurement accuracy: 0.1% (R < 200 kW and 0.2% (R > 200 kW);Resistance measurement range: four-wire method 10-8 Ω-106 Ω,two-wire method 106 Ω-1010 Ω
Features and Applications:
It includes automatic measuring software,standard measuring function and hardware, which allow to measure temperature-dependent and magnetic-field-dependent resistivity,differential resistance, magnetoresistance, volt-ampere characteristics and hysteresis loops.